What is Scope?

Foremost, Scope is an educational medical  community. Scope began as a novel EMR that offered clinical decision support, a massive knowledge bank, and gamified, interactive case studies. From this EMR grew a collaborative community where you as medical students, educators, and clinicians share and discuss your clinical experience through case studies published on your own channel in the community. 

How do I sign up for Scope?

Signing up for Scope is easy. Simply login via: https://scope-learn.emrld.health/   => pick a course in the case study library => open the first case => in the pop-up window find the  “Register as a New User” button . Fill out the registration form, create your profile, and we will email your login credentials to you. Scope is built for a desktop or tablet environment.

Can anyone become a member of the Scope community?

No, you must be a student of medicine, a medical educator, or an advanced practice provider (APP). 

What about patient protected health information (PHI) security?

This educational version of Scope is not meant to be used as a clinic’s EMR, it is for students and educators. Scope does not store your encounter notes, they only exist on your computer, and they will disappear when you close the browser. HOWEVER, NEVER STORE ANY PATIENT IDENTIFYING INFORMATION IN YOUR ENCOUNTER NOTE. As an emerging professional, it is your responsibility to protect your patients’ privacy. We, at EMRLD, cannot access your encounter notes. When you turn a clinical experience into a case study, never us real names or real PHI.

I’ve been accepted to a program but have not matriculated, can I join and get started?

Definitely. Once you’ve received an admission letter, join the community and get started learning. The first two years of medicine has been described as learning an entirely new language. Language is acquired by immersion in the environment and there is no better way to do this than by beginning to simulate real patient care. Absolutely everything you learn on Scope will be tested and relevant for the rest of your career. And it’s fun. Cases begin easy and build on each other as you level up; you’ll be fine. 

How often is new content added to scope?

Currently, about 10 new case studies are published to the community each week, and this number is growing. Although there are already more than 400 case studies in Scope, we are just getting started, so if you wish to build a following, publish early and often. Supporting others by sharing their cases on your page also builds your followers as they will be notified you have shared their case on your channel. 

Is there a way to collaborate with other educators on Scope?

Yes. You can share and adapt cases authored by your colleagues around the globe. The original author and the adapter both receive credit. Also, jointly author cases with colleagues and share your joint publications on your individual channels, on a shared group channel, and your institution’s channel if they have one. Scope as a community platform enables collaboration like non previously. This is an entirely new forum. 

Is there a Cost to use Scope?

Community membership is 100% free for this educational edition of Scope. You’ll have full access to our growing library of cases and advanced tools. All content and features are 100% Free. 

I’m a Student, how can Scope help me in my studies

There is no faster way to learn medicine than by simulating clinical practice on Scope. Scope’s cases are written to teach, not to test. Knowledge gaps are filled instantly and interactively by Scope’s knowledge bank. Having your knowledge gaps filled instantaneously while simulating a clinical encounter, or during an in person patient encounter, pulls together your learning in context, saving massive amounts of time normally spent gathering and sifting through resources online. 

Can I use Scope in the clinic during my clerkship?

Absolutely, and you should. Remember, Scope is a revolutionary EMR that provides clinical decision support, fills knowledge gaps, and automates your patient note. Use Scope to fill knowledge gaps in clinic and to prepare your patient notes for presentation to your preceptors and peers at the end of each rotation.

I’m a Professor, how can scope benefit my teaching?

Scope is a community where you easily author, publish and share case studies as well adapt other author’s case studies. Scope makes it very, very simple for you to engage your students with real-life, interactive, gamified medical scenarios on your channel. On Scope, you publish your own case studies to the larger, global Scope community and receive credit for your creations.

I’m a Professor, can I publish my own cases?

Yes, as a professor you can author and publish your own case studies on your own channel. Other members can access your cases and add them to their channels. You can also adapt cases others have authored.

I’m a student,  can I contribute case studies?

Absolutely, and this will save you a lot of time. Turning a patient scenario into a case study is the best way to retain that learning and preserve it for review by playing through the case again as you prepare for your clinical knowledge (ck) exams. Each member has their own page/channel where you share your authored cases and share your favourite cases by other authors. You may also create group channels with your friends and classmates where you share each other’s creations and favourites. You can trade cases with students worldwide.

Is there a mobile app version?

Scope’s educational edition is a sophisticated, large, interactive  tool. Like other sophisticated tools –spreadsheets, word processors, EMRs– Scope requires a PC or tablet environment. 

How do I get started with Scope as an educator?

Create your page/channel by registering at Scope-learn.emrld.health. Don’t skip the instructional videos. Move favourite cases to your channel for your students from your colleagues’ channels. Adapt other authors cases to suit your needs. You will receive full credit for cases you author and share credit for cases you adapt.  Your students access their assigned cases from your channel. 

What should I do if I forget my password?

Click the “Forgot Password” link on the login page and follow the instructions to reset it.

How do I report a bug or issue with the platform?

Email us directly at [email protected]

Who do I contact for technical support?

If you need technical support, please contact our support team at [email protected]

How do I give feedback about my experience?

Please help us improve the platform for the community! Send all your thoughts and ideas to [email protected]

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Portsmouth, New Hampshire, USA



Portsmouth, New Hampshire, USA


Copyright © 2025 Scope by Emrld Health