For Investors

Primary care physicians execute on average 216 mouse clicks and 729 keystrokes for every 20 minute patient encounter.


“For every hour physicians provide direct clinical face time to patients, nearly two additional hours are spent on EHR and desk work.” – Sinksy et. al. 



Physicians spent 27.0% of their work day on face-to-face time with patients.


Physicians spent 49.2% of their work day looking at the computer screen.


From 1990, the early days of EMRs in healthcare, to 2014, when computers had become ubiquitous in healthcare, healthcare productivity declined an average of 0.8% per year.


The US department of health and human services predicts, “a shortage of up to 90,000 physician by 2025”. – Jha, et. al.


The adoption of computers and the EMR lengthened physicians’ work days to an average of 11.9 hours. – Street and Farber

EMRLD’s mission is to convert more than 50% of physicians’ screen time to face-to-face time with patients, doubling productivity capacity and getting physicians home to their families.

Our tools are modeled after the way physicians think, rather than mimicking paper medical records. Scope allows physicians to leverage the computer’s capacity to do what only the computer can do. It’s time for an EMR 2.0. 

Think you’ve seen this before? You haven’t.

EMRLD’s solution is like no other. 

$2.5 trillion

National Expenditure on Healthcare in 2009, the year that the HITECH Act and “Affordable care act” were signed into law.

$4.7 trillion

2023 National Expenditure on Healthcare. 18% of GDP


Per person expenditure on healthcare in 2023


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"Start by doing what is necessary, then do what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible."

“Start by doing what is necessary, then do what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”
–Saint Francis of Assisi

We see like no other and do like no other.